A Day In The Lalz

Goodbye 2018. Hello 2019.

Happy New Year and HELLO 2019! Sharing a few life updates and what I’m looking forward to in 2019!

I hope everyone had a lovely time ringing in the New Year! Wishing everyone love, health, and happiness in the coming new year.

I’m not one to set New Year’s Resolutions, it’s just not my thing, but as I look back at 2018 the highlights of my year was the birth of my nephew and becoming an Aunt – greatest feeling in the world!! Additionally landing a new job that I am extremely excited about and finally can share with all of you on the blog! This past summer was a constant process of applications, resumes, interviews, and it was exhausting. I didn’t focus much on my blog because I was putting all my energy into my career in healthcare administration. All of my handwork paid off when I finally landed an amazing opportunity and quickly went from one position to another without any time off in between. My new job is in DC, which required me to move after training in Baltimore for 2 months, therefore a lot of changes has happened since September.

I’m excited to share that I officially moved to Fairfax, Virginia and I’m still working at Johns Hopkins, just moved over to the University side and working at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington D.C. I am very excited for my new position and absolutely LOVE my job!! I am super excited to be closer to DC and explore the city and all the new neighborhoods.

I’m sad to no longer be living in Charm City but I’m grateful it’s only a one hour drive away!

Can’t wait to see what 2019 brings my way!

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